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C of E Primary School

Mental Health Awareness Week May 2021

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At school this week, we have celebrated 'Mental Health Awareness'. On Friday, we shared a worship which helped us to talk about what the phrase 'Mental Health' means. The children were encouraged to think of our feelings; both big and small. We discussed how sometimes small feelings can grow big and to stop them becoming too big we can share our worries and feelings with adults.

This year's theme for Mental Health Week was nature. Please take a look below to find out what we got up to in each class.

As this week in National Wellbeing week, linked to nature, for our Personal, Social and Emotional and wellbeing Development we spent some quiet time lying under the large trees on the field and listened to the leaves rustling in the breeze. Taking the time to talk about how it made us feel. Here are a small selection of our thoughts: "I could hear birds tweeting and it helped me to feel calm." "It felt brilliant as I heard the leaves rustling." "It felt calm because I could feel the fresh air around the tree." "it made me feel happy to be outside." It was also lovely to give each of our trees a really good hug. We think they liked it!
Year 1
We finished the week with a wellbeing session to celebrate mental health week. In worship, we focused on the idea that everyone has a mental health and that it is important to keep it healthy by completing wellbeing activities. We thought about the activities we like to do to keep our minds healthy and active. A lot of you spoke about how you enjoy the outdoors and going on walks and exploring nature. We decided to finish our week by exploring our outdoor environment and taking our sketch books so we could draw what we could see. It was so lovely to see you all so calm, relaxed and in tune with nature.
Year 2
The story, God's quiet things, was the starting point for our Mindfulness time. We decided that we would have some time for us and be surrounded by nature, the focus of the National Mental Health week. We looked closely at the wonders of nature, and lay down to explore the different cloud formations. We described how we felt of the end of the session, and the most common words shared were being calm and relaxed.
Year 3 and 4
In Year 3 and 4, we had a big discussion about Mental Health following our worship on Friday. We also explored mental health within our heartsmart lesson this week (fake is a mistake). We talked about how lying can affect our mental health, well-being and how we view ourselves.
Year 5
This week, as a school, we have celebrated Mental Health Awareness Week. As part of worship today, we talked about what the phrase 'Mental Health' means. We decided that it means your thoughts and feelings. As a class, we talked about ways we improve our physical wellbeing and then ways we improve our mental wellbeing. This years theme for this week was Nature. We went outside and played a game of 'animal yoga'. The children were asked to strike a pose as an animal and the classed guessed what they were. This was great fun and we all had a giggle. We also completed an activity which involved working as teams to lower a bamboo stick to the floor and lift it back up again. The children realised that by communicating, talking to each other and being encouraging, the task was a lot easier to complete. Finally, we ended our session by looking at a survival toolkit. The children were told that they were stranded in a forest and had to choose 10 items to keep. The children all discussed how they would choose which items to keep and what was the importance of each. It was lovely to hear everyone's choices and reasons for this.
Year 6
We ended our week thinking about our wellbeing by looking at a survival toolkit. Children were told that they were stranded in a forest and had to choose 10 items to keep. The children all discussed how they would choose which items to keep and what was the importance of each. These items were then rated with explanations being discussed.

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