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Wybunbury Delves
C of E Primary School

Health and Relationships Week

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In school last week, we have been learning about our Health and Relationships. Our week has brought together many areas of learning from our PSHE and RSE curriculum. Across the school we have explored topics linked to staying healthy (including dental health), developing friendships, exercise, growing up and puberty. We have explored how our bodies change, considered our feelings in relation to drugs and alcohol and learnt how our families are all different.

There is lots to be proud of this week....

We are very proud of the responses made from all classes. You have really shone your light brightly to be ready to learn and showed maturity in doing so.

We are proud of the way you have all worked confidently in your class teams and used the opportunity to ask questions when needed.

A great week – thank you to everyone involved.

Mrs Pointon

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