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C of E Primary School

Happy half term Y1

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Can you believe that we have done a whole term on home learning? You have made my heart beam, my smile widen from ear to ear and I've even shed a few (happy) tears. This is all because of the fantastic work that you do each day at home and how proud you have made me.

In English, you started the week off with a SPaG lesson on the prefix 'un' and you did fabulous job. You even challenged yourself further by writing some sentences using the words that have the prefix 'un' which was amazing and you all showed me how you can write independent, super sentences. Throughout the rest of the week, we focused on the end goal of writing a fact file about a mini beast. We took inspiration from the story of 'Sidney the spider' and we started to think about spiders and where we may find them. We wrote some sentences using the positional language (prepositions) of 'above, on, under and inside' to explain where we could find Sidney if she was hiding. On Wednesday, you all started to create a word bank on your favourite mini beast and then on Thursday this helped us to create a plan for a fact file. These plans then helped you to create your own fact file and I was amazed at how creative you were on presenting your facts. We had videos, posters, booklets, written fact files and labelled drawings.

Check out Emilie's video on her facts about silverfish: https://app.seesaw.me/pages/shared_item?item_id=item.74fbd686-4d95-407a-b48d-4495e1e10306&share_token=hOP-PoOVQwWzc9NlSO_GSA&mode=share

Check out Scarlett's video on her facts about beetles: https://app.seesaw.me/pages/shared_item?item_id=item.6c38b08f-f5ee-4275-87a5-d3d568d930af&share_token=mzwRtrmfTWmqHKaw7GcXyA&mode=share

In maths, you have moved onto division which can be a very tricky topic in year 1 but you have all amazed me with your fantastic work. We have focused on the two concepts of splitting larger amounts into smaller equal parts and then sharing items equally. You started the week by completing lots of practical activities, you then moved onto showing your working out through pictures and then you were all ready to complete some power maths questions! You even helped Mrs Chesters to plan her pizza party by helping her to share the toppings equally on the pizzas. Wow you have just blown my socks off with all of your hard work this week!

You have continued your hard work on your phonics with Rosie and I have also been very lucky to hear many of you read your beautiful stories. I am so proud of how fluent you are now when you are reading and that sometimes you don't even have to fred talk a word to read it.

In our afternoons we concentrated on the theme 'food'. I've had some lovely pictures come through of you all baking, making food diaries and then sorting foods into healthy and not healthy. You have also been completing volleyball challenges, flying kites, going on walks in forests and over the moss. You are always so busy Y1 and are very lucky that you can do all of this stuff and enjoy the outdoors whilst we've had the sunshine. I was also very lucky this week as on Wednesday it was 'thank a teacher day' and you all sent me some thoughtful and kind posts on seesaw that I appreciated so much. They definitely brought some tears to my eyes as I watched and listened to you. However, year 1 I have to say that I should be thanking you for being such a brilliant first class and a class that I will never forget about.

You may have heard the fantastic news that I am STAYING AT WYBUNBURY as the Y1 teacher! I am so happy and relieved that I can continue to be a part of the Wybunbury Delves family and I can still see all of your happy faces as you return to school, when it is safe to do so. Your teacher for next year will be Miss Pennance and I just know you are in for a fantastic year in Y2. We are working hard together to ensure that your transition is as smooth as possible. Although I will miss teaching you all so much, I am just glad that I will still get to see you all and that you will only be next door. Now lets enjoy our last half term of year 1 together!

Have a wonderful half term Y1 with your families. Have some rest, enjoy the sunshine and make memories!

See you in a weeks time,

Miss Haynes

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