Wow!! The staff at Wybunbury Delves has been absolutely blown away by your engagement and all the work you have completed on Seesaw so far. It has been great to interact with you all over Seesaw and we are proud of all of you! We have had to change our original plan of our library in the conservatory due to the further lockdown rules in our community. As you will no longer be able to change your books at school as we had originally thought, we have included a few links below of websites we are aware of to help you keep up with reading during the home schooling period.
Visit for lots of ebooks to read ranging from Reception level to Year 6. Please record the ones you have read in your child's reading diary.
Visit for the big cat books. The only Big Cat ebooks available at the moment are lime books for Year 2/KS2 but all of the lime titles are there. There are also lots of lower book bands for KS1 there available too. They do not match our kS1 RWI reading scheme in school but are still great books for you to read.
David Walliams is also releasing an audio book each day. Visit to find these.
Audible has also made its service for children's books free too.
Please comment if you can find any more free resources for key stage 2...we are on the look out too! We will keep you updated as any other free services come to our attention.
Happy reading and stay safe.
Miss McCurrie
01270 841302
Wybunbury Delves
Bridge Street