What another superb week we have had in our new way of Year 6 learning. You always surprise me with the quality of work you produce Year 6 and I am so proud of you all. I have thoroughly enjoyed watching your leaflets come along and finally go into production. I have included as many as I can fit into my photo section as you should be showing off your fantastic selling of our school. You have put your words and pictures together in such a special way. Well done.
In English we began our week in Year 6 thinking about selling our school to prospective parents through the eyes of a Year 6 pupil. You planned, drafted, edited, illustrated and produced your thoughtful leaflets and I love them. PGL was a best selling point in many of your leaflets as you described your best ever trip at school. I loved it too and I enjoyed looking at some of your pictures you included.
In maths this week we continued to tackle statistics. This learning took the form of line graphs as you interpreted different data to answer questions by reading the graphs. Well done Year 6, we will continue with this concept next week as we begin to construct line graphs from tables of different data. I am really impressed with your focus and how, as a team, we continue to tackle the Year 6 curriculum. You completed an arithmetic paper today with impressive scores. My goodness Year 6 you are shining stars.
You have completed different SpaG activities, a reading task all about WW2 and even an emoji geography quiz. You have also had the opportunity this week to take on the basketball dribbling challenge. I have really enjoyed watching your skills as you dribbled around cones, jumpers and even wellies!
You have dipped in and out of our afternoon activities with up cycling household items, researching endangered animals and you have thought about the different environments around our world.
As always Year 6 I feel blessed to be your teacher and I wish you a wonderful weekend with lots of sunshine.
Your teacher,
Mrs B.
01270 841302
Wybunbury Delves
Bridge Street