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C of E Primary School

Welcome Back Year 6 – 19.4.24

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Welcome back to your final term in Year 6 – your summer term has begun. You have settled back into a busy week and you have all worked so hard. I am proud of you.

In Maths this week we have used practical activities to learn all about the area of different shapes and how to calculate it accurately. Using paper shapes really helped us to understand this concept before talking any written problems. We used squares, rectangles and triangles when solving area problems. We began by investigating each shape independently and then compared them to the area of a rectangle which we know is length x width. We then used this knowledge to find the formulae for different shapes. We were also introduced to the term perpendicular line and perpendicular height. This helped us to find the base of a triangle and the height of a triangle. We also used right angles to help when calculating the area of some triangles. We ended our week by completing an arithmetic paper. Great work Year 6 you are all stars.

We are well underway will our documentary writing using a lovely, illustrated book called, "The Way of the Wolves." We have considered different writer's knowledge and planned and written our first few paragraphs. We will continue with this next week. We have also used some of our English lessons this week to begin to recap different areas of punctuation and grammar. We have also used some of this time to review a SATs practice paper and I have set some questions to answer on Spagtastic to reflect our learning.

We have completed another spelling unit this week using the sion and ssion endings and begun a new on silent letters. We have also begun to learn a well-known song to the lyrics of spelling and grammar. Great Fun.

We have navigated our way through a sample SATs paper in Book Club. We have worked as a team discussing and answering different types of questions. We have looked at the way our paper is marked to help us to understand how to attempt each question. This paper has given us the opportunity to unpick each question and discuss how to find the answer.

We have enjoyed two PE lessons this week with Mrs Whittingham and we enjoyed our second session with Coach James.

Our afternoon learning has focused on many different areas of learning including RE, Art, Computing, Science, Music, PSHE and Wellbeing. We have also enjoyed time with our buddies and time on the Daily Mile track and Fort Lewis.

In RE we have completed our Spring Unit by answering different questions about who Jesus was. We have discussed our views as a team and thought about how Jesus is viewed in different religions.

In Science this week we began a new unit on our circulatory system. We focused on our blood and how it is made up of different components. We used different foods to represent them and made a blood smoothie. We used this learning to label a testube.

In Computing this week we began a new unit using Tinkercad. We set our accounts up and then investigated the different tools this programme has to offer. We worked in pairs to place different shapes onto our workspace and ended our session by building a simple 3d model.

Our Activist posters are coming along nicely. We have now added a layer of paint to them and worked on our stencils. We are rethinking this process to try and find a simpler way of getting the results we need.

In Music this week we thought about the question – What is music? We followed this by thinking about how music guides us. Miss Holland read a comment that music can be like magic and most of us agreed with this opinion. We know that music is all around us and is part of our daily lives.

I have set two pieces of homework both are online. Please visit Spagtastic and Maths.co.uk to complete them.

A fabulous first week back Year 6. You are determined and show dedication in all my tasks and work extremely hard. I am so proud of you all.

Have a wonderful weekend.
Your teacher.
Mrs B.

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